Customer Experience Review: T Family (6 members, 1 night, 2 days, Greenland in Kumamoto)




Rental Period

March 31, 2024 – April 1, 2024


Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture

Number of People on the Trip

6 people

Purpose of the Trip

Creating memories with family


Kumamoto Prefecture: Greenland
Yoshimuta RV Campground (Patio)

What made you decide to rent a camper van?

I have always been interested in traveling in a camper van and wanted to spend time with the kids in a relaxed and comfortable way.

Share your thoughts on the camper van trip.

Even with a large family, there was plenty of space, and the kids enjoyed themselves without getting bored during the trip. Also, sleeping in the vehicle sparked the kids’ adventurous spirit, and they were excited and had fun throughout.
It was a truly enjoyable trip with the family spending quality time together.

Message for those considering renting a camper van

The camper van we rented had ample living space and was comfortable for our family of six. The interior was also kept clean. Especially, the height of the bunk beds was sufficient, providing no sense of confinement and serving as a play area for the kids.
I felt that traveling in a camper van is not particularly challenging. I would like to rent one again.

Photos from the Camper Van Trip

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Message from Our Staff

Thank you for using our camper van. Hearing about your enjoyable trip made us want to visit Greenland too! We hope many others will enjoy camper van trips as easily as you did.


