Mt.Sakurajima Sakurajima Ferry Yorimichi Cruise Yorimichi Cruise is the about 50 minutes cruise from Kagoshima City to Sakurajima.Normal Sakurajima ferry takes only 15 ... 2017.10.04 Mt.SakurajimaTransportation
not-classified Sakurajima Ferry – Transportation between Mt. Sakurajima and Kagoshima City – The ferry runs between Kagoshima CIty and Sakurajima in every 15 minutes for 24 hours. It is convenient to take the ferr... 2015.09.25 Transportationnot-classified
Transportation Volcano Sakurajima viewed from IBUTAMA express train to Ibusuki City (29 April 2015) Train Trip to IBUSUKI I took the videos of Mt.Sakurajima on my way from Kagoshima-Chuo Station to Ibusuki Station. The w... 2015.05.04 Transportation
Transportation IBUTAMA express train – IBUSUKI NO TAMATEBAKO – (No.140-2066) I took the interesting train to travel to Ibusuki City on 29 April 2015!Signtseeing Train IBUTAMAThe express runs betwee... 2015.04.30 Transportation
Transportation Kagoshima Chuo Station – Final Stop of Japanese Shinkansen (Bullet Train) – Kagoshima-Chuo Stationis the stating point of your trip in Kagoshima! 2015.04.27 Transportation
Transportation Rapid Train “NANOHANA” of Ibusuki-Makuazaki Line (11 April 2015, Hirakawa Station) This train is called NANOHANA.Many tourists uses this train to go to Ibusuki City, the southern resort.Body colorThe col... 2015.04.12 Transportation
Transportation Train travel in Kagoshima Many foreign tourists come to Kagoshima-Chuo Station by Shinkansen (bullet-train) after arriving at Fukuoka or Kansai ai... 2015.04.11 Transportation
Transportation Japan train travel – Ibusuki-Makurazaki Line – (Nakamyo Station to Kiire Station) I took the train and took the video from Nakamyo Station to Kiire Station.It is pleasant to travel by train,Trains betwe... 2015.04.11 Transportation
Transportation Japan train trip – Ibusuki-Makurazaki Line – (Hirakawa Station to Sesekushi Station) 22 March 2015 I took the video when I traveled to Ibusuki City from Kagoshima City.I took the slow train this time, but you can take r... 2015.04.09 Transportation
Transportation Makurazaki Station, Final Stop of Ibusuki-Makurazaki Line, Kagoshima Makurazaki StationThis is the final stop of Ibusuki-Makurazaki Line.This line is the most southern line in Japan!I was v... 2015.02.08 Transportation