Shrine & Temple 大国主命を祭る「七社神社」鹿児島市桜島町 鹿児島市桜島の七社神社のご紹介です。縁結びのご利益で有名な大国主命を祭る神社です。桜島をドライブするときに立ち寄って参拝してはいかがでしょうか? 2020.01.15 Shrine & Temple
Shrine & Temple Taniyama Shrine @ Kagoshima City, Japan This article intoruces Taniyama Shrine, Kagoshima City, Japan.The shrine is located at high land and you can enjoy wonde... 2019.11.16 Shrine & Temple
Shrine & Temple Introduction of “Nanshu Shrine” – Saigo Takamori & Soldiers of Satsuma Ribellion (1877) – I went to Nanshu Shrine commemorates Saigo Takamori (1828-1877) and his supporters who died in Satsuma Ribellion (1877).... 2015.11.16 Shrine & Temple
Shrine & Temple Introduction “Myoken Shrine” for Easy Birth – Worships the Oldest God in Japan – My wife has been pregnant for 5 months. In Japan when a woman gets pregnant, she goes to shrine with a maternity belt on... 2015.11.15 Shrine & Temple
Shrine & Temple Kagoshima Shrine – worships God of Sea – Visit Kagoshima ShrineKagoshima Shrine is only a stone drop from Gokoku Shrine in Kagoshima City, Japan. I decided to vi... 2015.10.26 Shrine & Temple
Shrine & Temple Kagoshima’s Gokoku Shrine – Famous Sazare Stone in Japan National Anthem – Visit to Gokoku Shrine of KagoshimaI have lived at Kagoshima City for more than 3 years, but never been to the Gokoku Sh... 2015.10.11 Shrine & Temple