lunch 鹿児島市荒田のイタリアン「リミニ」でランチ!営業時間など 鹿児島市荒田にあるイタリアンのお店『リミニ』に、ランチでお伺いしました♪予約必須のおススメのお店です! 2020.01.15 lunch
Shrine & Temple 大国主命を祭る「七社神社」鹿児島市桜島町 鹿児島市桜島の七社神社のご紹介です。縁結びのご利益で有名な大国主命を祭る神社です。桜島をドライブするときに立ち寄って参拝してはいかがでしょうか? 2020.01.15 Shrine & Temple
Experience & Leisure Sakurajima Visitor Center (Kagoshima, Japan) This article introduces Sakurajima Visitor Center near Sakurajima Port.You can learn about Sakurajima at this center.Whe... 2020.01.05 Experience & Leisure
cafe Cafe Shirahama : Delicious Vegetarian Food at Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan This article introduces Cafe Shirahama at Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan.When you drive around Sakurajima and want to have... 2019.12.22 cafe
History & Culture Nakamura Shinya Art Museum at Kagoshima City, Japan This article introduces Nakamura Shinya Art Museum at Kagoshima Citym Japan.Nakamura Shinya is one of the most famous Ja... 2019.12.19 History & Culture
Shrine & Temple Yasaka Shrine : starting point of Ogionsa Festival @Kagoshima, Japan Yasaka Shrine is famous as the 1st shrine which holds Rokugatsudo Festival of the year. 2019.12.03 Shrine & Temple
lunch Lunch Restauran Cafe “Deli Cafe Ai” at Usuki, Kagoshima City, Japan This article introeduces a nice restaurant "Delicafe Ai" at Usuki, Kagoshima City, Japan.The atomosphere of the cafe is ... 2019.11.28 lunchtake-out
bakery Delicious Bakery “Robin Hood”@Kagoshima City, Japan This article introduces bakery shop Robin Hood in Kagoshima City, Japan.If you are into bread, please give it a try! 2019.11.20 bakery
breakfast Restaurants at Morning Hours in Kagoshima City, Japan This article introduces popular morning meals in Kagoshima City.I made 4 categories (cafe, coffee shop, bakery and Japan... 2019.11.19 breakfast
Event & Festival Tenmonkan Winter Illumination @ Kagoshima City, Japan This article introduces Tenmonkan Illumination at Kagoshima, Japan.Why not visit this beautiful place with your friends ... 2019.11.19 Event & Festival