lunch 鹿児島市荒田のイタリアン「リミニ」でランチ!営業時間など 鹿児島市荒田にあるイタリアンのお店『リミニ』に、ランチでお伺いしました♪予約必須のおススメのお店です! 2020.01.15 lunch
lunch Cafe Cocco Nero at Yusui Town, Kagoshima, Japan This article introduces cafe Coco Nero in Isa City, Kagoshima, Japan.*Please be noted that you need booking for lunch. 2020.01.12 lunch
lunch Lunch Restauran Cafe “Deli Cafe Ai” at Usuki, Kagoshima City, Japan This article introeduces a nice restaurant "Delicafe Ai" at Usuki, Kagoshima City, Japan.The atomosphere of the cafe is ... 2019.11.28 lunchtake-out
lunch Delicious Kaisendon Restaurant “Tokimi” Minamiosumi Town, Kagoshima, Japan This article introducs a fantastic restaurant Tokimi in Minamiosumi Town, Kagoshima, Japan.The restaurant serves only 20... 2019.11.21 lunch
lunch Nice Restaurants of Sashimi Rice Bowl in Kagoshima, Japan This article intoruduces delicious restaurants of sashimi rice bowl (Kaisendon in Japanese).We visited all of these rest... 2019.11.21 lunch
cafe Old Japanese Style Cafe/Restaurants in Kagoshima, Japan How about having lunch at traditional Japanese style restaurants?Following restaurants are places where we had lunch for... 2019.11.19 cafelunch
lunch Kirishima Egg Farm @Miyakonojo City, Miyazaki, Japan This article introduces "Kirishima Egg Farm" in Miyakonojo City, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan.You can teste delicous lunch... 2019.11.19 lunchsweet
lunch Delicious Lunch of Yoshokuya Aozora @ Higashitaniyama, Kagoshima City This article introduces the restaurant "Yoshokuya Aozora".At first glance the restraurant is not something special, but ... 2019.11.14 lunch
lunch New Kagoshima Food Restaurant”Basket Case” Course Lunch This article introduces the Kagoshima food restaurant "Basket Case" near Kagoshima Chuo Station. 2019.06.05 lunch
Experience & Leisure Yosan Noka Cafe Kuwanomi – Enjoy Healthy Lunch – (Ibusuki City, Kagoshima) This article introduces a nice cafe at the mountain of Ibusuki City, Kagoshima, Japan. 2017.12.21 Experience & Leisurelunch