Miracle Moment – vapor trail pierces the sun above Mt.Sakurajima- (23 April 2015) NW wind 11m, Sunny



It looks as if the vapor tail are piercing the sun above the volcano Sakurajima.
I am so lucky to see this miracle moment!

Brief Explanation

Sakurajima is an active volcano and the symbole of Japan!. Eruption occurs almost every day.
Sometime massive eruption takes places, but there have not been the lost of human life in the past decades. So, please be relaxed and come to Kagoshima!
It has an elevation of 1,117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers.

I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
Kagoshima Channel


Latest Eruption News

VOLCANO SAKURAJIMA erupted at 06:02 on 23 April 2015!
The volcano has been very active recently. I wonder how long this active eruption will last in future.
I saw the glorious Sakurajima from the balcony of my apartment. The scenery cheered me up! I am happy to be born in Kagoshima!


Sighseeing in Sakurajima

You can easily go to the Sakurajima from Kagoshima by taking ferry.
There is a Nagisa Park near the Sakurajima Port. There, you can take free foot bath and enjoy wonderful view of Kagoshima City and Kinko Bay.
I also recommend you to have Sakurajima small oranges. It is very sweet and delicious!

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You can have go to the Yunoura Observatory Platform by car or foot. It is the 5th station of Sakurajima


I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
Kagoshima Channel



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