Sakurajima’s Eruption in morning and evening!




Sakurajima in the Morning

I took this video on my way to workplace.

White smoke is erupting from the top of the Mt.Sakurajima.

Sakurajima in the Evening!

White smoke and grey smoke are spewing from the top of the mountain!
The smoke is very impressive!

By the way, I found the nice place to see the volcano near my new house.
Please see the video below. I took the video on my way home.
I am very lucky to live at the high place and have the nice view of the volcano!


Steep Road and its Reward

It is killing-me-hot today. In addition, it is very humid like a sauna.
I cannot stop sweating all the day today.
I was exhausted by the heat, but wonderful view drive away my exhaustion at a moment!

Since I moved to a new apartment on 1 July, I am going on a diet and walk to workplace.

I don’t know how long I can keep my motivation to keep excercise… but I will continue while enjoying the view of Mt.Sakurajima!



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