“Tsurugane Shrine” near Senganen Park worships Shimadzu Family



Many people visit Senganen Park during their trip to Kagoshima. Tsurugane Shrine is located at the entrance of Senganen Park. If you come to the park by bath, you will notice the shrine immediately after your arrival at the park. Let’s know about more about shrine. I make a brief introduction. 

Worships Whom?

Trusugane Shrine worships Shimadzu family which had ruled the Satsuma Domain and been the owner of Senganen Park.


(I took the above picture of stone statue “Shimadzu Yoshihiro (No.16th Shimadzu lord)” at JR Ijuin Station)

1st Shimadzu Tadahisa is said to be a son of Minamoto Yoritomo who held the first military government at Kamakua City, Japan in 1192. He and his successor had ruled southern area of Kyushu Island from 1185 to 1869 (end of Edo period) for about 700 years. At the era of Yoshihiro, the entire territory of Shimadzu had spread to almost whole area of Kyushu Island.


Scenery & Seal of Tsurugane Shrine

Following picture is taken at the entrance of Senganen Park. While Senganen Park is crowded with visitors, while Tsurugane Shrine is very solemn and calm. The shrine buildings straightly face the volcano Mt.Sakurajima.


Following picture is the hand purification place. The family crest is curved on the side of the rock.


Following picture is the worship building. Unlike other red shrines, Tsurugane Shrine’s wooden surface gives you the impression of Samurai who put his emphasis on simplicity and strength. Main building is located at the back of the worship building but it is prohibited to enter the main building.


I had received a sacred seal at the shrine office. The Chinese character, which says “Tsurugane Shrine – a place where worships the spirits of Shimadzu family. The shape of characters has the solemn and strong impression.

Good Luck for Beauty

Tsurugane Shrine worships Jimyoin, the daughter of the top picture’s Shimadzu lord, Yoshihiro. Jimyoin is said to be a very beautiful. tendere-hearted and charitable princess. I wish if I could see her in my own eys. 🙂 It is said that a woman can gain phisical and mental beauty, thanks to the good luck power of Jimyoin. When I visited a shrine, a new couple came to the shrine to report their marriage in traditional Japanese wedding style. I took their video. (You can see them at the almost end of the video, sorry for my poor video skills.(

If you know more about traditional Japanese wedding (shinto-style), please refer to the folowing article. We also had a wedding ceremony at Kirishima-Higashi Shrine.

Shinto Wedding at Kirishima-Higashi Shrine


Useful Tips

  • Those who want to brush up their beauty should visit the shrine because it has a good luck for beauty. Many tourists are satisfied with the brief introduction of their guide and don’t to make a prayer.
  • The shrine is located between Senganen Park and Shoko Shuseikan Museum. It is good to make a visit to the shrine when you move between those two spots.


Access to Trurugane Shirne

Kagoshima City View Bus (Shiroyama & Iso Course) is convenient. The bus departs at Kagoshima Chuo Station ant Tenmonkan Street.

The entrance fee to the shrine is free (1,000 yen ticke is necessary for the entry to Senganen Park and Shoko Shuseikan Museum).


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